VERMONT Zoning Atlas

The Vermont Zoning Atlas is a cross-sector, multidisciplinary collaboration convening the Vermont State Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Housing and Community Development, the Vermont Association of Planning and Development Agencies, the Vermont Center for Geographic Information, the Vermont Housing Finance Agency, the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity, Fair Housing Project, the Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition, and UVM’s Open Source Program Office, with the support of the University of Vermont Gund Institute for Environment and Middlebury College Geography Department.

A team of community members, as well as students from Middlebury College and the University of Vermont, are working together with the 11 regional planning commissions of VAPDA to develop a state-wide Zoning Atlas that will encompass all of Vermont’s 237 towns, 10 cities, 5 unincorporated areas, and 4 gores.The team plans to integrate the results both into the Vermont Planning Atlas interface and the National Zoning Atlas.

  • Town Meeting TV, Complex Systems and Homelessness with Yoshi Bird: Project Director, Yoshi Bird, discusses the processes and motivation behind the creation of the Vermont Zoning Atlas—to democratize how we understand land use regulations.

  • Director: TBD

    Project Manager: Yoshi Bird

    Zoning Analysis Lead: Emily Sun

    Zoning Code Analysts: Magali Stowell Alemán, Zoe Sreden

    Geospatial Lead: Colin Dowey

    Geospatial Analysts: Michael Arnold, Murphy Peisel, Sean Rogers, Frederick Senya, Erik Weis

    Advisor: William Hegman